So, you’ve got a house rabbit. Congratulations! You now live with a tiny, opinionated interior designer who will rearrange your rugs, critique your furniture by chewing it, and demand a five-star salad bar at all times.
Want to earn their love (or at least avoid their disapproving glare)? Follow these nine commandments of bunny parenthood, and your fluffy overlord might just reward you with a binky.
1. Give Them Plenty of Room to Party
First things first: your bunny has moves, and they need space to show them off! They aren’t meant to be stuck in cages, and a cramped space can lead to frustration, boredom, and destructive habits (RIP, your furniture). So ditch the tiny cage and give them at least 8 square feet to lounge and 24 square feet to zoom. Bonus points if you deck it out with tunnels, hideouts, and cozy corners—because every bunny deserves a VIP lounge for post-zoomie cooldowns. 🐰✨
2. Learn Their Secret Bunny Language
Rabbits are 90% silent communication and 10% sass. A nose boop means "I acknowledge your presence, peasant." A foot flick? "I am offended beyond words." And if they ever do the slow, dramatic flop onto their side? Congratulations, they trust you enough to fake their own death in front of you.
3. Let Them Be Their Weird, Destructive Little Selves.
Binkying like a maniac? Normal. Digging at your carpet like they’re breaking out of prison? Also normal. Rabbits have instincts, and if you don’t give them appropriate outlets (dig boxes, tunnels, acceptable chew toys), they will take it out on your home. And your Wi-Fi cables. And your soul.
4. Hands Off! (Unless They Say Otherwise)
Most rabbits have very strong opinions about being picked up, and those opinions are usually NOPE. Since bunnies are prey animals, being lifted makes them feel like they’re about to be some hawk’s lunch. Respect their paws-on-the-ground lifestyle and earn their trust by interacting at their level. Learn from my mistakes—little Elvis held a mighty long grudge after this photo was taken. 🥲
5. Because Every Bunny’s a Foodie—But Moderation is Key!
Rabbits may act aloof, but let’s be real—they’re food-motivated little land sharks. A well-timed treat can reinforce good behavior, like using the litter box or hopping to you when called by their name. But beware: those pleading eyes and dramatic nose nudges can trick you into overindulging them. Too many treats can upset their sensitive tummies, so limit those portions!
6. Bunny-Proof Everything (Like, Everything)
If it’s within reach, it’s probably going into their mouth. Wires, baseboards, furniture legs—your bunny thinks they all need a nibble test. Instead of fighting their instincts, bunny-proof like a pro. Hide cords, cover baseboards, and give them plenty of approved chew toys instead.
7. Keep Them Fighting Fit
Find a vet who knows their stuff about rabbits and schedule regular check-ups. Get them fixed between 4-6 months (trust us, it's important!), and learn to spot when something's not quite right.
8. Spend Time With Them—Even If They Pretend They Don’t Need You
Bunnies are independent little creatures, but they love their people (even if they act like cool, aloof teenagers sometimes). The more time you spend chilling on the floor, letting them sniff, climb, and flop near you, the stronger your bond will be.
9. Let Them Be Part of the Family. Enjoy Every Moment.
At the end of the day, rabbits aren’t just pets—they’re tiny, hilarious, emotional companions who choose to love and trust you. The more you engage with them, the deeper your bond will grow. Whether it’s a midnight zoomie session, a cozy flop next to you, or the first time they nuzzle into you just because—these are the moments that make bun-life truly magical.