Love your Bunnies, Don't Give Up <3

A reminder to myself (and anybun who might need to hear this too):

I choose to enjoy Life with a capital L. To fill my energetic well so I have something to give—especially when it’s time to take real action. I choose the oxygen mask. Not out of selfishness, but because a calm mind and heart are the best way to be prepared for anything that comes my way. And that’s easier said than done—this is the work of a warrior.

So today, I’ll allow myself to thoroughly enjoy snuggling my bunnies. I’ll laugh at every binky. Smile at every flop. Radically get lost in love so I can keep fighting for what truly matters.

Getting lost in my anxiety is not an effective way to be prepared. It drains me. It drains my energy so that I don’t have anything left to take action, so that I can’t take action, or so that I run around wasting too many shots off target. Fear does not move the needle.

Instead, I remind myself to get quiet. To wait. To listen. To watch. To observe. To trust that the right moments to take action will reveal themselves to me. And in the meantime, to wholeheartedly enjoy my life in between. Because when the time comes, I want to have an abundance of energy to create effective change. I want to take fewer shots—on target.

So if I’m strong enough to do so, I’ll turn the volume down on my fears and anxieties—not just for me, but in the hopes that it creates space for others who may not be able to right now. And if I’m in a season where I'm lucky enough to enjoy life, I’ll embrace it with gratitude, knowing that not everyone has that privilege.

Creating communities of care means not letting guilt or shame stop me from taking care of myself—because when I do, I’m better equipped to help others. Putting my own oxygen mask on first isn’t selfish. It’s how I can show up fully and effectively. And that’s going to look different for each of us. So don’t judge others either.

Maybe today, resistance looks like taking a bath or meditating. Maybe tomorrow, it means canceling my subscription to corporations that hurt the planet. Maybe the next day, it's cuddling my rabbits on the couch and getting caught up with Severance. Or joining a co-op. Or staying informed. Or voting for city council. Or working on this bunny biz. Or becoming wealthier so I have more dollars to vote with on things that do move the needle. Or having a dance party with my comrades. Or simply stepping away from work for a moment to feel the sun on my face.

Whatever it is, I won’t give up. I won’t stop. And I’ll take good care of myself in between, so I can keep showing up for the world I want to help create.

I’ll feel my feelings. I’ll let them out when they come, and when they don’t, I won’t judge myself if my grief looks different than someone else’s. Instead, I’ll choose to be strong—whatever that looks like for me. I’ll remind myself to not let indulgence turn into apathy or passion into vengeful spite—neither helps. It’s an artful balance, and only I can know what that looks like for me by striving to do what’s right. 

And through it all, I’ll keep returning to the simple, grounding joy of my bunnies—the way they remind me to slow down, to be present, to love without hesitation. Because sometimes, the best way to prepare for the world ahead is to pause and appreciate the one right in front of me.

Sending lots of love and hoppiness your way,

Jeni Nguyen (+ Betty & Elvis)

Bun-mom & Founder at BINK Rabbit Goods


P.S. Need help elevating your life with house rabbits? Here are 3 ways I can help...
  1. 🌾 Hide the hay mess + save time5 Ways to Hide Your Rabbit's Litter Box (on Any Budget)!
  2. 🐰 Free tips for massively upgrading bun-lifeDownload Better Bunny Living (15+ pages of lessons learned. No more NIC grids or Xpens.)
  3. 🛋️ Designer bunny furniture is coming back! Join the priority waitlist for early access + exclusive discounts!
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1 comment

🐰👍 There are so many good thoughts here.


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